50% food waste reduction by 2030

The voucher aims to encourage companies to prevent or reduce food waste and extract optimum value from food waste. As such, we are working together towards our ambition to halve food waste by 2030.

Developing or scaling up

With the voucher, you can develop your business case or scale up your innovation to the production level. The voucher has a value between €5,000 and €17,500 and covers half of the costs of your project. You will need to contribute the other half yourself.

More information and application

The vouchers are funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and Rabobank, with the assistance of ROM Nederland. Wageningen University & Research provides the knowledge and expertise.

Get in touch


For more information, please visit the website of Samen tegen Voedselverspilling or contact our project manager.

Daphne d'Hont

Project manager Agri-food & Circular Economy