An innovation loan for businesses in the leisure sector

As an entrepreneur, you plan for the future of your business. Changes are needed to prepare for the future; for example, becoming more sustainable and improving your product. We're here to help you achieve your goals.

Financing for businesses

Tourism is important to Zeeland's economy. The Zeeland 2030 vision aims to strengthen and balance the leisure sector.

The 'Vrijetijdseconomie Zeeland' fund provides loans to improve leisure businesses. Entrepreneurs can apply for a loan of up to €750,000 to invest in their business. This could include plans for energy transition, innovative concept development, circular building or nature and landscape development.

Please check the conditions to find out if your plan qualifies for the fund.

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Opportunities for your business

The fund offers investment opportunities for businesses that are difficult to finance. A loan from the fund has many advantages:

  • Get your plans for sustainability, landscape development and distinctive offerings off the ground faster.

  • Combine your loan with other forms of funding.

  • Repay your loan faster.

Yvonne Braamse-Joosse can tell you more about the opportunities offered by the fund. Get in touch with her.

Everything you need to know about the fund

More on the fund

You are eligible if your company:

  • Is established in Zeeland (physically and actively present)
  • Is active as an SME in the residential recreation, day attraction and water recreation sectors

If you are interested in using the fund, contact the investment manager, Yvonne Braamse-Joosse. An intake meeting will be held to assess whether your application meets the fund's terms and conditions. An independent committee of experts assesses the applications. After funding, we stay in touch to monitor progress.

To qualify for a loan, you must meet several conditions.

  • Your company is an SME active in Zeeland's recreational economy within the sectors of residential recreation, water recreation and day attractions;

  • Your plan is realistic and fits into the framework of the Zeeland Coastal Vision and Destination 2030;

  • Loans are granted based on an assessment by an independent expert committee and range from €50,000 to a maximum of €750,000;

  • The maximum loan term is 9 years;
  • Early repayment or refinancing is possible.

Collaboration with financiers

The 'Vrijetijdseconomie Zeeland' fund is implemented by Impuls Zeeland with the assistance of the industry association HISWA-RECRON and banks. The fund totals €6 million, partly from the Regio Deal of the Province of Zeeland and the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Get in touch!

Does your plan qualify?

Would you like to know more about the fund and our other funding options, or find out whether the fund offers a solution for your plans?

Yvonne Braamse

Investment Manager