Financing check
You are looking for funding opportunities for your business idea. You may want to start a new business, double the turnover of your existing business, improve its sustainability, buy new machinery or develop a prototype. We can help you with innovative plans. The first step is the funding check. To find out whether you are eligible for our services.

The following funds offer financing possibilities from €15,000 to €2,500,000:
- InnoGo!
- Zeeuws Participatiefonds (Zeeland Participation Fund)
- Vrijetijdseconomie Zeeland (Zeeland Leisure Economie)
- Zeeuws Investerings Fonds (Zeeland Investment Fund)

Various vouchers are available to help entrepreneurs take that all-important next step:
- Zeeland Financial Matching
- Innovatievouchers Vrijetijdssector (Innovation vouchers for the Leisure Industry)
- Voucher Versterken Innovatievermogen en Proces-en Prestatieverbetering (Strengthening Innovation Capacity and Process & Performance Improvement)
- Voucher Samen tegen Voedselverspilling (Voucher United Against Food Waste)
- Circulair en Biobased vouchers (Circular and Bio-based Vouchers)

Innovation subsidies
We are the first point of contact for a variety of European Innovation Subsidies:
- OPZuid
- CrossRoads
- Zeeland in Stroomversnelling (Zeeland Gaining Momentum)
Financing Table West Brabant/Zeeland
At the financing table, we examine the funding needs of start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs with growth potential and introduce these entrepreneurs to financiers and investors who have funding available. These financiers bring their knowledge, network and funding possibilities to the table to help you progress in your business plans. Knowledge, capital and networking!