Taxes in the Netherlands

If you own a private limited company (BV) or public limited company (NV), you are required to file a corporate income tax return for your business. You can find the current rates on the Belastingdienst website. A reduced rate is possible for profits from (patented) intangible assets, also known as innovations. This is called the innovation box in the tax return form.

The advantages of the Dutch tax system are listed below:

There is a large network of almost 100 bilateral tax treaties to prevent having to pay taxes in multiple countries.

Clarity and certainty in advance about the fiscal consequences of large investments in the Netherlands.

A broad participation exemption (100% exemption for qualifying dividends and capital gains), which is vital for European headquarters.

An efficient fiscal unity regime, which provides for fiscal consolidation for Dutch activities within a group.

In most cases, there is no withholding tax on outgoing interest and royalty payments.

For companies that want to hire employees from abroad, a scheme allows employers to offer a percentage of the employee's salary tax-free as compensation for the extra costs incurred by international employees when relocating to the Netherlands.

Although VAT in Europe is highly regulated, EU Member States are allowed certain freedoms. The Dutch system offers Import VAT deferment, which means there is no actual payment of VAT. In addition, thanks to our extensive experience with international product trade we have experienced and specialised Tax and Customs staff. They make doing business so much easier.

Subsidies and incentives in the Netherlands

The Netherlands actively encourages innovations and new ideas, as well as entrepreneurship and sustainable investments. We do this by offering a favourable tax environment for forward-looking companies. This makes the Netherlands a competitive location for companies worldwide.

The R&D tax credit, or WBSO in Dutch, offers compensation to start-ups and innovative companies for part of the wage costs and other expenses for research and development (R&D).

With the Energy Investment Allowance (EIA), companies can offset 45.5% of their investments in energy-efficient techniques and sustainable energy against their fiscal profit, on top of the usual depreciation. On average, this arrangement results in an advantage of 13.5%. It is worth noting that energy-efficient investments also result in lower energy bills.

MIA/VAMIL: Through MIA, entrepreneurs who want to invest in environmentally friendly technologies can benefit from an investment deduction.

The innovation credit offers innovative companies credit for the development of new products, processes or services with a strong business case.

Financing options for innovations in Zeeland

In addition to the national incentives, the province of Zeeland offers various opportunities for innovative and growing entrepreneurs who want to invest in innovative ideas. We do this by assisting with funding and the right connections to funds and investors.

We manage various loan or participation funds with financing options and will ensure that you can optimally benefit from these opportunities. In addition, there are vouchers that can take you a step further as an entrepreneur! For instance, for your innovative strength, process and performance improvement and in circular and bio-based technologies.

Impuls Zeeland is also your go-to point of contact for several European Innovation Subsidies.

Read more on the Invest webpage.


How we can help you

You can rely on Impuls for much more than help with subsidies and incentives.

Legal and fiscal matters

Whether you want to establish or expand your (head) office, production location, R&D, logistics operations or start-up in Zeeland, it is important to be well-advised on which legal form is best for you.

Selection of locations

Let us help you find the ideal location that is perfectly suitable for your business activities and matches your vision for the future.


A good business network is of vital importance for entrepreneurs. When you enter a new market, it is not always easy to find your way to the right contacts. We can help.

Permit procedures

As an entrepreneur, you will naturally want to get started quickly. To this end, it is important that you apply for the correct permits and that you submit these correctly and as completely as possible. The help of an expert can make the permit process much easier.


Are you interested in establishing your business in Zeeland?

We can guide you through the process. All our services are free of charge and confidential.

Albert Meiresonne

Manager Foreign Direct Investments & International Trade

Rogier van der Torren

Foreign Direct Investments Manager

Laura Walhout

Foreign Direct Investment Manager

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